The Space Race And The Arms Race
Cold War
It was alled the cold war because it wasn't an actual war. Compared to a "hot" war (a standard war with actual conflict/battles) this "war" was "cold" because there wasn't any fighting. It was a world wide rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States, but there wasn't any actual fighting
Cold War
It actually started in the Soviet Union
Cold War means NO FIGHTING. There was no war during the cold war, with the exceptions of the two "HOT BATTLES" of the cold war, the Korean War and Vietnam War. Actual war between the the USSR & the US never happened.
Part of the cold war.
The US was fighting the USSR, or the Soviet Union, in the cold war. Mostly, though, it was democracy against communism.
The Cold War led the Soviet Union and Afghanistan to actual fighting.
There was fighting. Unlike the cold war.
Korea & VN were the only wars of the cold war.
The Cold War was refered to as "Cold" because a cold war means there is no fighting going on at all, but a "Hot" war is when there is fighting going on (Take WWII as an example for a hot war). But we got envolved with the war because our enemies were under a Communist Government and we were under a Democratic Government.
The Space Race And The Arms Race
It was called the Cold War because there wasn't any actual fighting, but the US and Siberia/Russia were keeping an eye on each other in case one decided to start fighting.
The war of 1812 was worth fighting for because America was already independent.