Allowed to smoke? Very much so. They chained smoke, traded cigarettes, mooched cigarettes, dreamed of cigarettes and even got them with all their meal packs. They even got matches in those meal packs. Smoking in the 1940s was as popular as breathing, eating and sleeping and you know what else.
they all died of smoke and kut thourt glass
During the Vietnam War, that was called a "smoke break." Long enough time to smoke a cigarette. Added to that command was, "...if you don't have one, borrow one from your buddy!"
Fear. Panic. Destruction. Smoke. Rotting flesh. Hunger.
There would have been a strong smell of burning, smoke and dust.
Yes, bin Laden did attack on 9-11. He and four other people attacked Flight 77. This caused crashing in the Pentagon in ?Arlington?, Virginia. Recently, people rammed into his room and shot bin Laden. This news is heard all over the world. He killed 64 people during the crash and damaged most of the Pentagon. Such as bombing and smoke and water leaks. No, Osama bin Laden did not personally take part in the attack on 9-11, but he did claim responsibility for having planned the attack.
No it is not allowed by all scholars.
Yes, people are allowed to smoke in Lourdes.
Not everywhere, but basically yes.
During fasting in Ramadan, Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke, or practice sex in the daytime from Dawn to sunset. They are allowed beyond this period to eat, drink, smoke, and practice sex.
It is illegal to smoke cigarettes in indoor public places, workplaces, and parks in many countries around the world. Specific laws and regulations vary by country and even by region within a country.
About 1.3 BILLION world wide, about 22% of the people in the US smoke.
If it's outside-sure.
Yes, people are not legally allowed to smoke in the United States until age 18
Yes, you should be allowed to smoke on school property. As long as your away from people who dont want to smell the wonderful smell of burning tobacco, you should be allowed. At my school, you are allowed to smoke in the parking lots which is a good idea. It keeps kids from sneaking around school smoking in places that maybe they shouldnt.
it is worse for young people and its strictly forbidden and you should know children are not allowed to smoke,drink alcohol ex extra
No. THey are not allowed to. Just because it is part of their religion does not make it legal for them to do so. In California it is legal to smoke it only if you are the person growing it for yourself. You are not allowed to sell it.