

What Hitler had done?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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lead all the many people to kill all the Jewish people in the world and conquer all of the world. He killed most of the Jews in the world until America got involved and ended that war ( world war 2)


conquered most of the world.

Not USA or some of Great Britain.

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Q: What Hitler had done?
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What role did Adolf Hitler play in the Holocaust?

He was the Chancellor and leader of Germany and the one who masterminded the Holocaust. Hitler cannot be considered a mastermind, it was done in his name, but the overseeing was done by Himmler and the actual planning was done by people like Eichmann and Heydrich.

Why was Hitler able to march into Austria with no opposition?

Hitler was actually from Austria, and much of the Austrian population was desperate for strong leadership. People thought they could trust Hitler to bolster their economy, as he had done with Germany.

Why did Hitler encourage people to do bad things?

Depends on what you mean by Bad thing because their is many views of bad. During the reign of the the Third Reich, what we think of bad was good to the Germans. Hitler encourages some people to do thing such as killing and beating people because Hitler wanted to free Europe from Jews and communism. Hitler encouraged people because, He knew they would listen to him. The listen because Hitler was their leader and Hitler was an inspiration to all the German's. The Germans were inspired by Hitler because, of the positive things Hitler done.

Adolf Hitler's aggressive actions taken in the 1920s and 1930s?

In 1920s Hitler most agressive action was the Munich putsch. In 1930s Hitler done many major actions such as Rise to Power, Building of Concentration camps, Blackmailing countries into getting Austria and the sudetenland, Kirstallnact and the Invasion of Poland.

What has Shimon Peres done to make some people compare him to Hitler and Idi Amin?

He is systematically murdering civilians in Israel occupied Gaza.

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What was done to stop Hitler?

World War 2 happened to stop Hitler.

What actors and actresses appeared in What Hitler Has Done to Tel Aviv - 2011?

The cast of What Hitler Has Done to Tel Aviv - 2011 includes: Adolf Hitler as himself Yael Katzir as herself Nurith Knaan Kedar

What could the German people have done to stop Hitler?

they can not do any thing because they are very afraid of Hitler

How did Hitler control children?

he done it by speaking out of his mouth

What were Adolf Hitler's chores around the house?

There are no historical records relating to what chores Hitler may have done around the house.

Why did Hitler kill all these women did they did something?

They had done nothing wrong. Hitler's aim was to exterminate (wipe out) all Jews.

What role did Adolf Hitler play in the Holocaust?

He was the Chancellor and leader of Germany and the one who masterminded the Holocaust. Hitler cannot be considered a mastermind, it was done in his name, but the overseeing was done by Himmler and the actual planning was done by people like Eichmann and Heydrich.

What had Hitler done in world war 1?

planned his attack on the russians

Was there a painting of Hitler done before he was born?

no, because he wasn't born yet

Why do Jewish love Hitler?

Yes. Simply put, Jews hate Hitler because he murdered 6 million of them and propagated an incredibly resilient form of Anti-Semitism. Jews hate Hitler since Hitler hated them.

What did Hitler believe should be done to people he considered inferior?

Hitler believed that people inferior to himself and to Germans should be put to work or killed.

Why was Hitler able to march into Austria with no opposition?

Hitler was actually from Austria, and much of the Austrian population was desperate for strong leadership. People thought they could trust Hitler to bolster their economy, as he had done with Germany.