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Freezing, condensation involves in cooling Melting, evaporation, boiling, sublimation, and the change from gas to plasma needs heating.

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Q: What are the 3 changes in the state of matter that involve heating and the 3 that involve cooling?
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Related questions

What are the helpful effects of the changes in matter?

Heating and cooling for instance.

How do heating and cooling cause physical changes in matter?

Heating and cooling change the state of the matter. For example, at room temperature water is a liquid but if you heated it becomes steam; a gas. If you freeze it it becomes ice; a solid. Hope it helps xx

How can you force a physical change in matter?

Physical, or state changes are usually accomplished with heating or cooling

How matter changes state-?

With the help of some physical and chemical processes matter changes its state. Like using heating , cooling etc we can change the state of matter,

What is the amount of matter contains?

massWell, there are two measurements that I will give you because I am unsure of the question. Density is the number of particles in a material chunk. This doesn't change unless the form of the matter changes (like cooling or heating). Volume is the amount had at the moment. This changes.

What is the amount of matter something contain?

massWell, there are two measurements that I will give you because I am unsure of the question. Density is the number of particles in a material chunk. This doesn't change unless the form of the matter changes (like cooling or heating). Volume is the amount had at the moment. This changes.

What is the state of matter between the heating and cooling process of a glowing pickle?


Are phase changes physical or chemical in nature?

Phase changes are physical changes in nature. They involve a change in the state of matter (solid, liquid, gas) rather than a change in the chemical composition of the substance. Heating or cooling a substance can trigger phase changes.

How does each state of matter turn from one state to the next and back again?

heating and cooling

What action can change the liquid state of matter?

By heating: transformation in a gas.By cooling: transformation in a solid.

Are the changes in the state of matter chemical changes?

No, changes in state of matter (such as melting, freezing, boiling) are physical changes, not chemical changes. Chemical changes involve the formation of new substances with different chemical properties.

How does heat change the state if matter?

For example heating lead to melting and boiling - changes of matter phases.