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penetrating it

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Q: What did Wilhelm roentgen discover that energy waves were capable of doing to solid matter?
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What did Wilhelm roentgen discover tat energy waves were capable of doing to solid matter?

Maxwell's studies helped Wilhelm Roentgen discover energy waves that were capable of penetrating solid matter

What did Wilhelm roentgen discover that energy-rays were capable of doing to solid matter?

penetrating it

What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover that energy (x-rays) were capable of doing to solid matter?

penetrating it

What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover that energy waves (X rays) were capable of doing to solid matter?

penetrate it

What did Wilhelm roentgen discover that energy waves (x-ray) were capable of doing to solid matter?

Wilhelm Roentgen discovered that energy waves (X-rays) were capable of passing through soft tissues in the body but could be absorbed by denser materials like bones, creating an image of the internal structures.

What did Wilhelm roentgen discover that energy waves were capable of doing sold matter?

Wilhelm Roentgen discovered that energy waves (X-rays) were capable of passing through soft tissues and capturing images of the bones inside the body. This discovery revolutionized the field of medicine and led to the development of X-ray imaging as a diagnostic tool.

What did roentgen discover that energy waves were capable of doing to solid matter?

penetrating it

What form of energy did Wilelm Roentgen discover?


Who developed the x ray?

Wilhelm Roentgen developed and produced the first energy wavelengths we now call X-rays. It was named the "x" ray because the exact nature of the energy was unknown at the time of discovery.

What did Wilhelm rosentgen discover that energy waves xrays were capable of doing to solid matter?

Wilhelm Rontgen discovered that X-rays were capable of penetrating through solid objects, like the human body, creating images of bones and internal structures. This discovery led to the use of X-rays in medical imaging, such as X-ray radiography.

Who invented the first x ray machine invented?

Wilhelm roentgen invented the first x-ray machine in on November 8,1995. The medical importance of X rays were recognized immediately after Roentgen's findings were published in 1895. Within weeks an X-ray machine was used in America to diagnose bone fractures.

What type of energy helps prevent energy shortages?

There are no types of energy capable of preventing energy shortages.