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The only positive of war is when the aggressor losses. Country's such as The USA France Britain Russia to name but a few who make weapons of war see a positive side as well as country's like the USA who as winners of the war against the Japanese protected war criminals the like we hear about in Germany in exchange for the information these people had to offer. War may be hell but if you are on top of the heap its very profitable.

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16y ago
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10y ago

Despite the loss of millions of lives and the great physical damage to property and infrastructure and the land itself around the world, World War II did, indeed, have numerous positive effects. Just a few include stopping the genocide of the Jews by Nazi Germany, the overthrow of three totalitarian governments, and the liberation of many nations previously in bondage to those governments.

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12y ago

It helps to periodically move otherwise arbitrary national borders across the terrain. It's good for giving some relatively few commanders their place in history, keeps the world interesting enough and on guard enough to vote in order to avoid it. It helps use up obsolete systems to make way for the new, this stimulates the economy, while reducing the numbers of those who might share in the increase, thus serving to better enrich those who remain. War gives poor people jobs, people who have skills which can best be described as aggressive in nature. War, from time to time refreshes the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and of patriots. War gives otherwise broken down old men something important to reminisce on. In short, war is good. It keeps the world balanced.

1. Employment

2. Advances in technology (you're using one of them right now...your computer)

3. Advances in medicine.

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12y ago

Advantages of war: deposition of a dictatorial or unsavoury regime; economic boost of a war economy.

Disadvantages of war: risk of maiming or death of combatants; destruction of combat zone.

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10y ago

Believe it or not there are pros to war. Some pros of war are creating jobs, bringing peace and stability to a region, and population control.

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16y ago

Wakes people up.

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