Since the geography of Japan was basically an island, Japan was isolated. This made it hard for Japan to gain access of things outside of their islands but it also helped them to be a more independent place and also to keep their way of living. Hope this helps --- Claire, Canada
Japan was ruled by a monarch; it's society was a reflection of duty, honor, and country. Individualism, like in the United States, was considered "capitalism (money making)", and the opposite of Japanese society. Of course all of this was reversed, under GEN Douglas MacArthur & the US military occupation in 1945.
Japan during WWII
Germany, Italy, and Japan
Jeffrey Broadbent has written: 'Environmental politics in Japan' -- subject(s): Environmental policy, Environmentalism, Human ecology, Political aspects, Political aspects of Human ecology
Margrit Shildrick has written: 'Leaky bodies and boundaries' -- subject(s): Bioethics, Feminist ethics, Feminist theory, Human Body, Postmodernism, Social aspects, Social aspects of Human body, Social aspects of the Human body, Symbolic aspects, Symbolic aspects of Human body, Symbolic aspects of the Human body
Alphonso Lingis has written: 'Foreign bodies' -- subject(s): Body, Human, Body, Human (Philosophy), Human Body, Social aspects, Social aspects of the Human body, Symbolic aspects, Symbolic aspects of the Human body 'Body transformations' -- subject(s): Body image, Body, Human, Body, Human (Philosophy), Body, Human, in popular culture, Cross-cultural studies, Human Body, Social aspects, Social aspects of the Human body, Symbolic aspects, Symbolic aspects of the Human body 'Body Tranformations' 'Dangerous Emotions' 'Deathbound subjectivity' -- subject(s): Death, Subject (Philosophy) 'The community of those who have nothing in common' -- subject(s): Human beings, Reason, Death
Dominique Mehl has written: 'Enfants du don' -- subject(s): Human reproductive technology, Psychological aspects, Psychological aspects of Human reproductive technology, Social aspects, Social aspects of Human reproductive technology
motivated aspects of hrd
Peter Gerlitz has written: 'Gott erwacht in Japan' 'Mensch und Natur in den Weltreligionen' -- subject(s): Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Human ecology, Islam, Judaism, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Human ecology 'Gott hat viele Gesichter' -- subject(s): God
The four aspects of a human being are the mind, the body, the personality & the spirit
the belief that all aspects of human aspects
The study of the spatial aspects of human existence on Earth is known as human geography. It focuses on understanding how humans interact with and shape their environment, as well as how location influences aspects of human life such as culture, economy, and politics.
Clifford Bishop has written: 'Sex and spirit' -- subject(s): Body, Human, Human Body, Mythology, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Sex, Religious aspects of the Human body, Sex 'Rhythm & reason'
Lewis F. Petrinovich has written: 'Human evolution, reproduction, and morality' -- subject(s): Ethics, Evolutionary, Evolutionary Ethics, Human evolution, Human reproduction, Moral and ethical aspects, Moral and ethical aspects of Human evolution, Moral and ethical aspects of Human reproduction
Linda K. Bevington has written: 'The creation of humankind in the image of God and the incarnation of Christ' -- subject(s): Genetic engineering, Human genetics, Human reproductive technology, Image of God, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Genetic engineering, Religious aspects of Human genetics, Religious aspects of Human reproductive technology