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The Paris Peace Conference generated the Treaty of Versailles; in this conference originally 27 countries were deliberating, although by the end of the conference only 3 countries participated (United States of America, France and England). They generated the Treaty of Versailles, which included article 231, also known as the War Guilt Clause. This clause blamed Germany for the war, forcing Germany to take responsibilities and make reparations, among other ways, in the form of money to the allied nations. This clause and it's stipulations eventually led to WWII as it led to the angst of the German people. This sentiments were satisfied only when Adolf Hitler began his regime.

In short, the downfall in the Paris Peace Conference was that it sentiments that led directly to WWII.

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The document by which the First World War officially ended was the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1914. One problem was the treaty's dealing only with Germany and the Allied Powers. The Central Powers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Kingdom of Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire had fought alongside of the German Empire. In fact, it was the assassination of Austria's Archduke Franz Ferdinand [December 18, 1863-June 28, 1914] and wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg [March 1, 1868-June 28, 1914], that started the First World War.

But the other three countries were dealt separately. So there were separate peace treaties with such countries of the Allied Powers as France, the Russian Empire, and the United Kingdom. As a consequence, the efforts were inconsistent. Indeed, their disparate places and times of negotiation and signing made consolidation of efforts, enforcement of provisions, and monitoring of results difficult.

Additionally, the full blame for the war was placed on Germany. Germany was supposed to disarm, give up vast blocks of land, and pay huge reparations to the tune of 132 billion German marks, which at the time converted to 6,600 million British pounds sterling and 31.5 billion dollars in the United States of America. These measures built immense resentment, and caused widespread suffering, among the German people despite an ultimate lack of compliance over key provisions. These measures also ignored major problems elsewhere in Europe. Both problems, of blaming just one country and of ignoring other equally dangerous problems, set the stage for the Second World War.

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