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The cold war was two sets of NUCLEAR ARMED NATIONS that were each at a military stand-off, both sides just waiting for an EXCUSE to begin shooting nuclear missiles at each other. This stand-off physically ended in 1990. The two sets of Nuclear Armed Nations were heavily industrialized and formally structured; allowing diplomacy and negotiations to continue through out the whole cold war period of 1945 thru 1990 (the Berlin Wall came down in 1989, Soviet collapse started at that time; for classroom purposes the papers of dissolvement were signed in 1991). Today there are no formally declared nuclear adversaries. The communist nations of Red China and North Korea are (for NK possibly) nuclear armed, but have made no formally declared intention to carry on the cold war. The 21st Century challenge will be the control of nuclear weapons.

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Q: What are the similarities between the main reasons of the cold war and now?
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Abey kaminey, agar main jaanta to tere se puchhne jata.