Both World War I, and World War 2, brought France and Great Britain closer as allies, to fight the German Kaiser (WW I) and Hitler and Nazis Germany (WW II).
The allies tricke the Germans into spliting there force by sending a double agent to say they where going to land at Pas- de-Calais, which is closer to Engalnd
Abraham lincoln.
TV has definitely changed the world. People are more connected now than they were before TV. Also, news travels much faster due to television.
The answer is equality.
The closer the allies got to Japan, the more violent the Japanese became.
The Channel islands are closer to France than Britain. The Channel islands are closer to France than Britain.
Yes, it would be much closer.
It was a very logical purchase. The US and France were allies (both having been recently or currently in conflict with Britain) and the US was a lot closer to Louisiana than France was, and therefore could much more easily incorporate it into its political structure.
Revealed German plans to involve Mexico in the World War against the allies.
The allies tricke the Germans into spliting there force by sending a double agent to say they where going to land at Pas- de-Calais, which is closer to Engalnd
Because a soldie accidentaly shot a colonist and the colonists were mad so they begun the war
They are located on the Channel Islands. This is at the bottom of England, between France and England, but closer to France, thse are small island in the channel islands, also in the baliwick of Guernsey.
first answer: the Germans never thought they would land in France, they thought they would land either in Italy or Africa. second correct answer: In World War 2, the Germans thought that when the Allies invaded France, that the Allies would choose to land at the Pas-de-Calais area. The Allies landed in the Normandy area instead. From the German point of view, the Pas-de-Calais area was the obvious choice. It was closer to England and the fastest way to invade Germany and seize the Ruhr industrial region.
The most Southerly county is Jersey, in the Channel Islands. Despite being closer to France, it is still listed as a British County. ___ Cornwall. The Channel Islands are not part of Britain.
The Spanish civil war brought Italy and Germany closer together, drawing Italy away from Britain and France, it meant that the fascist rulers of Spain would be friendly to the axis, and it also gave the German army/Luftwaffe valuable combat experience that other nations did not.