Answer this question… It promoted Western-style economic and educational systems.
No. Japan embraced Western ways of life in order to industrialize.
It led to technological modernization of Japan.
The demand for natural resources was increased during the industrialization of Japan during the Meiji Restoration.
Historians suggest that Edo, even before it became the capital and was renamed Tokyo
This was the era in which Japan industrialized and became a contender with western military nations (1868 thru the Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905).
well im here for you guys and i just wanna say SUCK IT
To bring about greater centralization and enhance the power of the Imperial Court
Renewed contact with the West brought change to Japanese society. The "Meiji restoration" of 1868 initiated many reforms.
The Meiji restoration turned Japan in to a modernized imperial power.
The Meiji Restoration took place in Japan.
The modernization of Japan during the Meiji restoration resulted in the rise of japan as an imperialistic nation.
New constituion industrial reforms land reforms
meiji restoration
after the meiji restoration
The years of the Meiji Restoration are classified as: efforts to industrialize Japan the modernization of Japan's army and navy the acceptance of Western ideas.
Japan became a modern industrial nation.
Japan rapidly developed an industrial economy.