ANSWER The city was the most large city of the Confederacy. By its capture the Union sized the control of the Lower Mississippi, that, in addition to the progress made on the upper course of the river, was an important step forward to gain the whole control of the river and split in to two parts the Confederacy.
Vicksburg. It split the Confederacy in two, isolated the forces to the West of the river, and denied the enemy the use of this important waterway for the movement of men and materials. By ending the war in the Western theatre, it released Grant for important work in Tennessee.===================================================Falling to the Union forces after a 40 day siege, the Confederate defeat at Vicksburg is considered a major turning point in the Western theater of the Civil War. When the Confederate garrison surrendered their fortifications on July 4th, 1863, the Union military gained complete control of the Mississippi River.
At the start of the war, the Union planned to blockade the southern ports, control the Mississippi River, and capture Richmond, Virginia.
It helped the Union gain control of the Mississippi River.
Grant's unawareness that there were any Confederates in the area. They noted that his men were resting easy by the Tennessee river, and launched a surprise assault that would have overwhelmed them, had it been continued. But the Confederate commander called a halt for the night, and by next morning Grant's troops had rallied, helped by reinforcements from the East.
It helped the Union gain control of the Mississippi River.
Grant's capture of Vicksburg did that.
It helped the Union gain control of the Mississippi river.
The Fall of Vicksburg - a major river-port held by the Confederates until Grant besieged it and took its surrender in July 1863.
There were no prize hostages. The key battle was Vicksburg, when Grant paroled 30,000 Confederate prisoners.
They all were, following Grant's capture of Vicksburg in July 1863.
The fall of Vicksburg, Mississippi on July 4, 1863, gave the Union control of the river along its entire length.
General US Grant was new to the US Civil War, but under his superior, General Henry Halleck, Grant had duties in the Western Theater of the war. When he was able to capture Fort Donelson and Fort Henry, he and the Union gained control of the Northern Mississippi River and a gateway to the southern Mississippi and eventually to Vicksburg and the deep South.
Battle of Vicksburg
It gave the Union control of the Tennessee River.
After the capture of Vicksburg in July 1863.
The Siege and Capture of Vicksburg gave the Union control of the Mississippi River, splitting the Confederacy in two.