Avoidable cost is loses in lives and materials which could have been avoided had a different route been taken. This also includes the procurement of equipment which may be excessively expensive for what it actually does.
yes it was avoidable
Germany and Austria Hungary
The british army consists of full time soldiers. The soldiers are full time once they volunteer.
aircraft powerplant consist of engine, plus inlet and exhaust nozzle.
I think the Blitz cost 36,00 I think the Blitz cost 36,00
yes , indeed .
I think that avoidable cost is the cost that can be avoided if certan decision is taken or not taken. It is more or less cost which is varied according to the decision taken by management. That is all variable cost can be said to be avoidable On the other hand unavoidable cost is that cost which cannot be avoidable at least for the short term. This means that unavoidable cost can be said to be more or less a fixed cost in the short term which cannot be changed.
Avoidable Cost = These are those costs which can be avoidable by doing or not doing any particular activity For Example :Direct CostsUnavoidable Costs = These are those costs which are not avoidable whether do or donot initiate any activity For example: Fixed CostBut sometimes fixed costs are also avoidable or unavoidable by doing or not doing any activity in these cases fixed costs are also avoidable costs.
i think cash is current asset
A cost is considered relevant if:
relevant cost may include fixed avoidable costs
In case that company uses its equity from retained earnings or contributed capital in addition to borrowed funds to carry out the project, it is possible the avoidable interest is greater than actual interest. Due to the calculation method for avoidable, where you multiple the weighted average interest rate for other borrowing by the rest of the funds used for the project plus the specific funds borrowing interest cost to get the avoidable cost, it is possible that avoidable cost is greater than actual interest.
a cost if capital charge for stockholder's equity
When considering outsourcing a portion of services provided, avoidable costs are those that would go away if the service was outsourced. Unavoidable costs are those that would remain such as overhead.
avoidable and treatable is
Yes, "avoidable" is a word. It is an adjective used to describe something that can be prevented or escaped.