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The British empire remained intact after the Battle of Britain but only because Germany changed their tactics and attacked Russia instead. If Britain had lost the entire British empire would have fallen under German control.

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Q: What countries did Germany own after the Battle of Britain?
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What countries were super powers after world war 2?

The United States and the USSR (Soviet Union). Great Britain and France were still considered part of the Big Four after the defeat of Germany, because they eventually had their own nuclear weapons.

Kaiser Wilhelm II's belief that Germany needed a large navy resulted in a race between Germany and Britain to build what?

they were in an arms race because britain had created a ship called the dreadnought which was made out of a really srong metal! then Kaier Wilhelm of germany got really jelouse then started to build there own dreadnought and tryed to out doo britain. sorry 'bout spellin'

What was they fighting for in World War 2?

Each country had their own reason for entering the war. Germany was pissed that they got screwed over by the Treaty of Versailles, Japan wanted to create an empire (at the expense of the "western" countries), Mussolini wanted to gain from France and Britain. Etc, etc.

Did Barbados ever declare war on Germany?

In 1914 and 1939 Britain declared war on behalf of the British Empire, so it was a 'non-option' for Barbados as it was a British colony. (In 1939, countries with dominion status in the Empire - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa - made their own decisions on this).

How did Germany's competition to build up its navy put them into an arms race with Great Britain during World War 1?

Negotiations for an alliance between Britain and Germany broke down in 1897, mainly because Britain wanted Germany only as a junior partner. Soon afterwards, Germany embarked on a huge naval building campaign. As Germany had only a small overseas empire at the time analysts in Britain concluded that the programme was directed against Britain. The result was a naval arms race - and much resentment. In WW1, however, Germany made very little use of its surface ships as it feared they would be sunk by the British navy. However, German submarines proved relatively successful and at one point in WW1 (1916) food stocks in Britain were down to about six weeks' supply. (At the time Britain produced only about 40% of its own food and the rest had to be imported).

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What three countries merged their zone in West Germany allowing the Germans to have their own government?

The United States, Great Britain, and France

What countries did Britain own is 1900?


Why are cakes in Britain different to cakes in other countries?

because people in other countries have adapted the cakes from Britain and have made them theyre own

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Britain responded by increasing the size of its own navy

Why were the United States and Japan enemies in World War 2?

The war created that situation through its own momentum. Hitler did not feel enmity towards Britain, only towards France and Russia. Britain declared war on Germany only because it had guaranteed the security of Poland. After that, the Battle of Britain and the huge overseas campaigns made Britain and Germany bitter enemies.

What were the effects of the berlin coonference?

Some of the effects of the Berlin conference included the agreements that were reached regarding the colonial powers and the countries that they would each occupy. France was allocated some countries, while Britain, Belgium and Germany also had their own shares.

How did Britain start war?

Britain didn't start war, Germany did Answer 2 Actually, Britain did! She declared war on Germany. However, she only did this because Germany did not agree to pull out of Poland by a certain date. So who started the war rather depends on your own definition.

What countries were affected by the Versailles treaty?

When World War I ended, the victorious Allied powers made separate treaties with each of the Central Powers countries. Since Austria-Hungary had split up just before the end of the war, they were treated as two separate countries, and got their own treaties (Trianon for Hungary, St. Germain for Austria). The Versailles treaty dealt with the war as far as Germany was concerned, and largely punished Germany for having caused the war (although historians have long debated how true that actually was). The treaty only really affected Germany itself, except that Germany's overseas colonies were given to Allied countries (mainly Britain, France and Japan) as "mandates" under the League of Nations. Additionally, Germany was forced to give some territory in Europe to countries around her, such as Czechoslovakia, Poland, and France.

Why did Romans invade Britain and why did they leave their own countries?

To create an Empire with its centre being at Rome.

Why did the Jews leave their homeland and go to Germany?

because they faced persecution in their own countries.

Is Austria in Germany?

No. Austria is an independent country in its own right.

How did the weakness in the structure of the league of nation affect its work?

It did not have its own army therefore it couldn't make big countries like Italy and Japan obey the rules.Powerful countries like America, Germany and USSR did not joinCollective security didn't work because countries like Britain didn't fulfill its pacts with smaller countries because it was already suffering from the great depression.