Poland has the most people to be called Righteous Among the Nations by Yad Vashem.
France and Germany.
can someone answer
border patrols
You'll have to clarify that, revolutions happen within a country, not between two nations.
Mainly because the Versailles treaty included language to set up the League of Nations, the predecessor to the United Nations. The League of Nations charter included a clause that said if one member country was attacked by another country, all other League members had to go to war to help the defending country. The Irreconcilables believed that this clause was in conflict with the US Constitution, which disallows the US from declaring war without Congress's permission.
united state of America
Non Jews who risked their lives to save Jews by the Nazis.
The title is awarded to individuals, not peoples, nations or nationalities. However, according to the Wikipedia article on the Danish Resistance, 'The Danish resistance movement as a collective effort, rather than as individuals, has been honoured at Yad Vashem in Israel as being part of the righteous among the nations'.
Europe has the most developed nations of any continent.
The supreme court
Irena Sendler was a Polish Righteous Among the Nations. She saves numerous Jewish children during the holocaust.
look up the 'Righteous among Nations' in Yad Vashem, this is a list of those who they know of.
He saved over a thousand lives, and is one of the most popular Righteous Among the Nations.
According to the United Nations, the United States has the highest percentage of single-parent households headed by women among developed countries.