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Ressie Okuneva

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Q: What country is directly east of Cambodia?
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What country is directly east to Cambodia?

Vietnam is located directly east of Cambodia.

What country the directly east of Cambodia?


What country is to the east of Laos?

Thailand is south of Laos. So is Cambodia.

What country is directly the other side of the world to Peru?

Kampong Thom, Cambodia

When and how did camboia start?

I presume that you mean 'Cambodia'. Cambodia is a long-established country in South East Asia, its beginnings are lost in the mists of time.

What is country is 13 degrees north and 105 degrees east?

The coordinates 13 degrees north and 105 degrees east point to the country of Cambodia in Southeast Asia.

What is the exact location of malaysia in map?

Directly below Thailand/Cambodia, look at the east coast of australia then look up... It's nice..... but check out Thailand/Cambodia first

Which country borders Cambodia to the west?

It's Thailand in the West, Vietnam in the East and Laos in the North

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