The confederate states were officially formed on Feburaury 5, 1861.
It refers to the Provinces and Territories of Canada
The Confederate States of America.
The Confederate States of America was made up of the states that seceded from the US to bring about the Civil War. When the war ended these states returned to the Union and the Confederate States ceased to exist. The Confederate States had only one president and that was Jefferson Davis. He might be called a confederate president, I suppose, but he was not president of the US.
The Confederate States of America.
The union of Southern states during the US Civil War was named "The Confederate States of America".
Confederate States of America .
The Confederate States of America
Confederate States of America
Confederate States of America
When the southern US States seceded from the United States of America in 1860, the government they formed was called the Confederate States of America
The southern US states form the Confederate States of America
I dont knoe ! why the fuuuck ask me for?
Date needed for formation of United States
The Confederate States of America was a separate nation within the USA formed when eleven original US states broke away from the union
The Confederate States of America
A depleted version of the normal US Government, with all the Southern states absent. They had formed their own Confederate States of America.
Lincoln was president for us andjeferson Davis for the confederate states