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That was Robert E. Lee when he was told that Stonewall Jackson had had his left arm amputated.

Jackson was shot in the arm so had his arm amputated then it had a separate burial for his arm but Lee means like he lost his right hand man. Jackson was important in the war and on Lee's side (Confederacy) so when he lost an arm it was a big deal.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Other way round.

After Stonewall Jackson was wounded at Chancellorsville, his left arm had to be amputated.

Lee was desolated at this (although he did not know that the wound was mortal), and sent a message saying "You have lost your left arm, but I have lost my right arm."

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Q: What did Lee mean when he quoted he has lost his left arm but you have lost you right arm?
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