That was Robert E. Lee when he was told that Stonewall Jackson had had his left arm amputated.
Jackson was shot in the arm so had his arm amputated then it had a separate burial for his arm but Lee means like he lost his right hand man. Jackson was important in the war and on Lee's side (Confederacy) so when he lost an arm it was a big deal.
I have heard that for sailor the colors represent port and starboard, Port is left and starboard is right. So a green star would be starboard and on the right, and a red star would be port and on the left. if you are returning home. I dont know what present colors mean but i know the colors for sailing and that sailors used the nautical star as a tattoo for guidance
A navel piercing on the left, no meaning, it's just a piercing.
Earning it.
Now means "Do it right away"
The shattering and permanent crippling of the Japanese fleet. I mean, we destroyed them. They lost so much, they became completely incapacitated.
He quoted or got it exactly right.
you can wite from right to left with your left hand while writing left to right with your hand what does that mean
Count the number of blocks from the top left, bottom left, bottom right and top right and key them in. The code should be 4666 and a door should appear up ahead
You start from the left and end at the right
Left. (As in directions, to go left or right)
A reference to the dark woods in New Jersey. The only important part of the poem is the turns: right, left, left, right, right, right, left, left on the dirt roads, to reach the dead-end circle. The shortcut is to turn right left, right left, right left.
it means you have lost a loved one
you lost a loved one ?
I'm guessing you mean "paradiddle." A paradiddle is a sticking pattern. Specifically, it is: right, left, right, right or left, right, left, left. It is one of the basic fundamental rudiments for playing any type of drum.
Adjacent(right or left) to trachea.