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They needed to Modernize.

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Q: What did the Japanese realize they would have to do in order to survive?
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What did the Japanese realise they would have to do in order to survive?


What did the Japanese realized they would have to do in order to survive?

They needed to Modernize.

Did the Japanese realize that the Japanese atrocities were wrong?

The Japanese soliders probably never thought so do to their incorrect version of Bushido, the Samurai code. However, I believe that if the Japanese citizens knew about things like the Baton Death March, they would know it was wrong.

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How would you say city of order in Japanese?

"Kouki no shi", pronounced: KOH-kee no shee

How did the POWs survive the reign of the Japanese?

POW's survived the reign of the Japanese by comforting each other, using their personal resolve, and believing that they would be rescued. Despite harsh conditions and treatment, many POW's were eventually freed.

What is the past tense of realize?

The past tense of "realize" would be "realized".

What Japanese island gets snow?

all of them but in order of quantity would be hokkaido honshu shikkoku then kyushuu

What Japanese scripts will you need to learn and what are some good guides to start?

In order to read Japanese, you must learn 3 scripts:KanjiHiraganaKatakanaIt would also be very helpful to learn Romaji, which is the latin alphabet for Japanese.

What is another sentence with realize in it?

Sooner or later he would realize that he had to get some gas.