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As in MOST wars, the returning GI's either still had a wife when he returned or he didn't (meaning she divorced him while he was absent). If they divorced upon his return, or while he was away, he started a new life. If he still had a wife when he returned, he went about re-establishing his life with his wife and maybe a soon to be family. The biggest problem with any military family is SEPARATION. If a wife can handle that, then the marriage will succeed. A GOOD PERCENTAGE of California families from WWII up until the end of the Vietnam War, was MILITARY FAMILIES. California has a current populaton of over 35,000,000 people. It one were to interview all 35 million Californians, they would find that 25 million of them are/were connected to a military family in one way or another (Grandfather, Grandmother, Uncle, Father, etc.). So obviously, being a military family man was successful.

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Q: What did the US soldiers do when the Vietnam War was over concerning their wives?
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Over 3,000 Pennsylvania men were killed in Vietnam. See website: Vietnam War Casualties by state, for their names.

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From approximately 1962-1972 over 50,000 Australian Servicemen fought in Vietnam, of which over 19,000 were drafted men. Over 63,000 Australian men were conscripted (drafted) during the war. Nearly 520 Australians were killed in Vietnam, of which over 200 were conscripts. 2,400 were injured.