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Every one should be equal - we went to Cuba a few years ago and were told every one is given a car - but it has to last them - so you see very old cars kept in lovely condition, nothing thrown away, all bits recycled to other cars. But why should anyone work hard for no benefit? People only do what they have to, so nothing gets done. People who work hard to do better jobs do it because it's what they want to do, not for extra pay, we met a bus driver who was qualified as a teacher. There was very little choice in some things, many of the homes were painted the same colour, because it was the only one they could get. But there were people on the make everywhere for our American currency, so they were not happy with the system. My daughter had to go to the hospital, and she was asked all about our hospitals, they were very short of supplies, and asked when she left if she would leave any medicines she had taken with her, just your ordinary headache tablets! The people just seems frustrated because they couldn't better themselves. So sad.

I found this from Yahoo nswers form sue J

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Communists believe that all property should be distributed and fairly given to the people. They also believe that the only way to be rich is to abuse other people.

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In what country? In Soviet Russia, which is what I believe you are referring to, it was called the Duma, and still is.