The Bronze Star Medal is in the shape of a 5-pointed star, with the distance from one point across to the other is about 1.5 inches. The star is formed in relief with some rays along each arm and in the center is another tiny 5-pointed star.
The ribbon is RED with a thin WHITE edge and has a BLUE stripe down the center also with a thin White edge.
The Silver Star Medal is very similar but, of course, it is formed from a silver medal such as nickel alloy. It has a ribbon that is primarily BLUE. The Silver Star Medal is a higher award for bravery in combat.
My name is Harold Stilley and I have a 1928 world war copper medal. I would like to know the value of this medal.
I like this title for World War 2: The War Fought by the Best Generation of The 20th Century. They have been given that label and it is the absolute truth. My dad fought in that war and there has yet to be another generation like them.
Like being in hell. There are NO good conditions in a war, it's all bad, all stupid and vulgar
Yeah, women were treated like dirt during world war 2. Men thought we were useless. But we can fight! (Not that I want to.) Good thing we have respect now.
The home front derfences were very good. They had lots of tanks and defencive stuff also they did not have space ships like matt lilley said they did. i hope u like our answer
good sportsman like conduct.
Note the link below. The picture there contains images of all branches' Good Conduct Medals. Note also, that those who earned the GCM during WW2 in the USAAF (the USAF did not exist before 18 September 1947) would have received the US Army version (authorized by Congress by Executive Order 8809, 28 June 1941).
My name is Harold Stilley and I have a 1928 world war copper medal. I would like to know the value of this medal.
Yes, Italy benefits from the use of technology. With technology, Italians can conduct business across the world like other nations do.
i like meant to like conduct electricity and like it depends if its like good or poor so like yea
At a final yes the winners get a gold medal and a big trophy or something on those lines the the runner ups get a silver medal or something like that
Yes, a banana can conduct electricity. The high water content and minerals in a banana make it a good conductor of electricity. However, it is not as efficient a conductor as metals like copper.
The best mediums to conduct electricity are metals like copper, silver, and gold due to their high conductivity properties. Other good conductors include aluminum, iron, and graphite. materials like rubber, plastic, and glass are insulators and do not conduct electricity.
No, not all fluids can conduct heat. Some fluids, like air and oil, are poor conductors of heat while others, like water and metals, are good conductors of heat. The ability of a fluid to conduct heat depends on its molecular structure and physical properties.
call of duty is a better game for online multyplayer, but if you like a good campain with good graphics go with MOH
conductors:copperironaluminiuminsulators:woodplasticglassHOPE YOU LIKE IT =) HAVE A GOOD DAY!
If you don't mind playing World War 2 for the millionth time, COD5 is pretty good. If you feel like you should be given a World War 2 Expeditionary Medal for playing so many WW2 titles, get COD4. i like gears of war2 try that you get a chainsaw in that:)