The German-English translation means "hail victory". The Nazi meaning is "we will win" or "we salute the highest".
Sieg Heil is a German phrase, which means Hail Victory
genau = exact
Kraut is a German word recorded in English from 1918 onwards as a derogatory term for a German, particularly a German soldier.
It means Hail Hitler! However, there is a certain ambiguity about it, and it could mean Salvation [through] Hitler. For this reason, such Christians refused to use it.ANSWER"Sieg Heil" is a German phrase, meaning "Victory Hail" or "Hail Victory". During the Nazi era, it was a common shout at political rallies. When meeting someone, it was customary in Nazi Germany to give the Hitler salute and say the words "Heil Hitler!".Hail Hitler
You mean "luftwaffe"? That the German Air Force.
Sieg Heil = hail victory
"Seig" is not a German word. It seems to be a misspelling or a misunderstanding. In German, the word for victory is "Sieg." "Sieg" is a masculine noun that means triumph, success, or victory in English.
der Sieg
victory = Sieg.
I don't thing "zieg" is a German word. Do you possibly mean Ziegen (goats) or zeig (show)? Or perhaps Sieg(victory), which sounds to English-speaking ears as if it might be spelled with a Z?
Sieg Heil is a German phrase, which means Hail Victory
Victory. Siegheil means hail to victory.
Edward Sieg's birth name is Edward Chan Sieg.
Ursula Sieg is 165 cm.
John Sieg died in 1942.
John Sieg was born in 1903.
It is not truth that matters but victory = Die Wahrheit zählt nicht, nur der Sieg. It is not truth that matters but victory = Die Wahrheit spielt keine Rolle, nur der Sieg. It is not truth that matters but victory = Die Wahrheit ist nicht von Bedeutung, nur der Sieg.