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Its Nitrogen

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Anthony Beale

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Q: What gas did the Trojan men breathe in before going into a battle?
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Trojan men would breath a mixture containing eighty percent of this gas before going into battle?

The Trojan men would breathe a mixture containing eighty percent of Helium gas before going into battle. This allowed them to alter their voices to sound deeper and more intimidating, invoking fear in their enemies.

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da battle or the soldiers were on ship before going to troy

Fertilizersexplosives cryogenicswe come in contact with this gas more than any other long ago at night Trojan men would breathe in a mixture containing 80 of this gas before going into battle?


Fertilizers explosives cryogenics you coime in contact with gas more than any other Long time ago at night Trojan men would breathe in a mixture containing 80 of this gas before going into battle?

Haha way to cheat.

Fertilizers explosives and cryogenics you come in contact with this gas more than any other long ago at night Trojan men would breathe in a mixture containing 80 of this gas before going into battle?

The gas is nitrogen. It is commonly found in fertilizers, used in explosives and cryogenics. In ancient times, Trojan soldiers would inhale a mixture containing 80% nitrogen to increase oxygen levels in their blood before battle.

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heck no

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The Trojan War

What does it mean when your screen flashes before you enter a Pokemon battle?

It mean's the Pokemon your going to battle will ether be your same strength or stronger

Do you have beat the battle frontier to unlock the battle tower in Pokemon emerald?

No it's already unlocked. You can even go in there before going in any other buildings at the battle frontier.

How long did it take to build the Trojan Horse?

It took a very long time to build the Trojan Horse but the Trojan War was also going on so they had to multitask which means they had to get a lot of bj's :-

Do you have to collect all the gym badges before going to one island?

no but i have the whole gym battle if you want it.

Is Zuko going to die in the final battle?

Zuko was seriously injured in the final battle, but he was healed by Katara before his injuries could even take his life.