For the same reason US people resisted the war; the military draft. "Most" people are not concerned about a problem...until they are dragged into it! Over 19,000 Australian draftee's served in the Vietnam War. Many of the volunteers were originally draftee's given the option of enlisting; thus becoming "volunteers" on paper.0. In the days of the Vietnam war America was desperate to have as many areas under its influence as possible. To this end they supported a corrupt government that would aid them in their international strategies. These were stated as being the protection of democracy. The fact however was that the US backed government of Vietnam became unpopular, and when it became obvious that they would lose control to a far more popular communist government that was anti US further elections were suspended. This led to a civil uprising by the followers of the more popular communists. To avoid a democratic take over by force of the communists America with the aid of Australia and NZ Backed the south Vietnamese government By sending so called "advisor's" to aid the south Vietnamese government in its control over the country. You must remember that all of this took place during an era when the western world was constantly being fed Propaganda about the threat of communism from Russia and china, The Australian People believed what the politicians told them and generally went with the flow. In those days going against the flow was also a lot harder as it was easier for the government to mete out harsh punishments to people that openly went against the government line. Be that as it may, it is impossible to hide the truth forever and eventualy people started to see that their young men were involved in a war that was in fact unjust and that the outcome could only be defeat. Having seen enough of wars of ingression after WW2 Australians decided that they were not interested in following the lead of Hitler nor were they interested in getting them selves killed in a war that was obviously going no where. Australians involvement in the Vietnam war was begun by those that fought during WW2 and stopped by the next generation who were not interested in being involved in the carnage. After having thrown out the Americans the Vietnamese government is slowly gaining ground for its people, Historically small country's like Vietnam once they fall under the influence of US control can only look forward to a history of poverty and corruption,as the people lose any chance of democratic control over their country's.
There were very strong views for and against
The for Camp many of whom belonged to the older and more conservative side of society felt that we were helping the Americans protect the freedom of the Vietnamese and helping stop the spread of communism.
The against camp Many of whom belonged to the younger and more rebellious side of society felt that they were being sent into a war that was not our problem. and one that we could not win.
Mothers with took to the streets to protest against their boys being sent to fight in what they described as essentially an American expansionism.
The Soviet Union and China were two significant allies of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. The war lasted from 1955 to 1975.
At the end of the Vietnam War, Congress refused to support South Vietnam any longer.
The liberal party hated communism, especially Menzies, the leader of the liberal party at the time. he had even tries banning communism but failed. they wanted to stop communism and also help the US as they had ANZUS and SEATO in place, meaning that they were to help America when America was at war, which they were
By 1970 it was plainly clear that the Unites States people had turned against any further support for the war in Vietnam; and South Vietnamese government was too corrupt an inefficient for them to be able to wage the war for much longer. Funding to support the corrupt South Vietnamese regime was cut back significantly and starting in 1971 the United States military began withdrawing their forces from Vietnam. In 1973, the Vietnamese were left to fight it out for themselves; and in 1975 South Vietnam was overrun and surrendered.
MAIN PLAYERS IN THE VIETNAM WAR:North Vietnam - COMMUNISTS; therefore they were supported by China & RussiaSouth Vietnam - NON-COMMUNISTS; The USA was backed up by the South East Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) made up of Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thailand, the UK and the US. Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, and Thailand actually supplied aid and troops. In addition Japan and Okinawa supplied US bases and support.The last answer was incorrect in that the French gave up after 1954, and did not continue fighting in Vietnam.*The VIETNAMESE HMONG (Mountain People), were also a part of the Vietnam war, but they didn't (and by definition, DON'T) belong to any one country. The Hmong, are a people that are scattered amongst many Asian countries (Laos, China, Vietnam, etc...), so one cannot attribute them as a 'Country' that fought in the Vietnam War.
Election poll shows that 64% of Australians support Australian's role in Vietnam
a member of the army of the republic of Vietnam
Very carefully.
Three steps leading to American involvement in Vietnam included:the Gulf of Tonkin resolutionmilitary advisors sent by Kennedythe commitment of support by Eisenhower
Because the public was being drafted!
Critics of American involvement in the Vietnam conflict, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., considered it unjust and immoral.
Australia deployed Infantrymen, artillerymen, one squadron of B57 Canberra medium bombers, and one regiment of Centurion medium tanks to South Vietnam.
A. the government of South Vietnam seemed to lack popular support
Great Britain specifically did not support Australia in the Vietnam War even though allied under SEATO to resist communist aggression in South East Asia, becoming in many Australian eyes Little England.
the gulf of tonkin resolution military advisors sent by kennedy commitment of support by eisenhower
* Support the US policy of containment * Australia had alliance commitments * Concerns over Indonesia * Support for US in Vietnam as insurance policy * Fear of communism * Belief in the 'domino theory' * Menzies government policy of anti-communism * Fear of Australia being taken over by south Vietnam * The United States was also a powerful ally providing Australia with protection in case of attack