Most working women lost their jobs so that the returning soldiers could go back to work.
They were expected to give up their jobs.
It is said that logistically, women won the war (in reference to World War 2) because women were responsible for working in the industry. This was due to the fact that most of the able bodied men were fighting the war.
Many jobs that were traditionally done by men, had to be done by women when most of the male population went off to fight in the First World War.
During the first and second world wars, many jobs traditionally done by men, had to be done by women, as most men were away fighting. Trousers were safer to wear when a woman was working with machinery in a factory. Also, many women wore their absent husband's trousers, basically as a make do and mend due to wartime shortages.
Different people lust after different women, so it is a form of opinion.
They were expected to give up their jobs.
they were expected to give up their jobs
They were expected to give up their jobs.
Working as an author is a super career
Hospital workers.
She most likely means that nothing happened.
the women who has had the most kids is the sexxiest women in the world.
Since the men came home the Women were expected to give up their jobs. There were not enough jobs for all women and men so the men got the jobs and women didn't get any jobs.
the most beautiful women is the women you see in your mirror
Working in the abolitionist movement gave women the right to vote in most of the colonies. Women did not have the right to vote before 1776.