The casualties of war are things or people that are lost. A loss of a military or civilian life, as well as the loss of perspective, loss of moral code, or code of honor is my perception of the term.
The only reason the US lacked the high casuality rate of the other nations is that it only had troop deployment that could rival the other nations until the final months of the war.
It was won at Chickamauga. No, actually, technically, the last confederate victory happened a few months after the Lee's surrender at Palmino Ranch in Texas. The last recorded casuality was a Union soldier at that battle.
The Austro-Prussian War or Seven Weeks' War (in Germany also known as German War, Unification War, Prussian-German War, German Civil War or Fraternal War) was a war fought in 1866
The next big war after the Korean War was the Vietnam War.
i don't understand i have no idea
The cast of Casuality - 2011 includes: Mika Gill as Tracy Tim Intravia as Justin Lisa Peart as Rachel
you guys never havethe snsjdnhbwiug
go die in a hole
SickbayWardSick BayInfirmary
Casuality department
AMerican Revolution 2? There was none
8 to 12 inches
Can someone please answer this question because i have this question too!
yes further injury can be done to the body