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It is Geographic Information Systems

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Q: What is a sentence for GIS?
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What do the initials GIS stand for?

What GIS stand for in genetics

When was GRASS GIS created?

GRASS GIS was created in 1984.

When was Quantum GIS created?

Quantum GIS was created in 2009.

What is the difference between GIS and cartography?

GIS is basically cartography on a computer (information system). So GIS is an application of cartography.

If you earn a certificate in GIS is it appropriate to use GIS after your name?

Earning a certificate in GIS is not the same as GIS certification. Unless the certificate program you attended results in a higher degree such as a Bachelor's or Master's degree, there are no initials you can place after your name. GIS certification is a fee-based process currently handled by the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI), that evaluates the GIS proficiency of an individual by assessing their experience, education, and contributions to the GIS industry. Those individuals awarded certification by the GISCI may place the acronym GISP (for GIS professional) after their name.

Disconsolate in a sentence?

She sat on the park bench, looking disconsolate as she stared into the distance, lost in her thoughts.

Which geographic tool uses computer technology to collect manipulate analyze and display data about the earths surface?


When was TeleCAD-GIS created?

TeleCAD-GIS was created in 2002-02.

When was SAGA GIS created?

SAGA GIS was created in 2004-02.

When was Society for Conservation GIS created?

Society for Conservation GIS was created in 1997.

What do the letters GIS stand for to do with computers?

The letters GIS stand for Geographical Information System.

What are the 3 primary GIS data types that GPS receivers collect?

The 3 primary GIS data types that GPS receivers collect are: spatial data (latitude and longitude coordinates), attribute data (information about the location like elevation or time), and metadata (details about the data collection process such as accuracy or date).