War effort is what people did at home. It was also considered that this meant that women disguised as men and went to war.
They support the British effort with providing food and housing as well as hosting parties for officers. At the end of the war 53,000 of the loyalist had to leave for Canada since they were considered traitors.
The revolutionary war was considered a civil war with Britain, because most of the colonists were from Britain and still considered themselves Brits.
they were given numerous oppurtunities to help in the war effoetthey helped the war with effort in anyway-apexThey helped the war effort in many different ways.They helped the war effort in many different ways.
War effort is what people did at home. It was also considered that this meant that women disguised as men and went to war.
Charlie Chaplin.
Grant - he won. Others carried a more heroic air, most of them Confederates. They lost.
The Council oversaw the war effort.
Yes. Vietnam want peace, not war. Of course Vietnam is the heroic country.
All sides made it seem as if you were not a true proud citizen if you were not some how supporting the war effort. Often Propaganda would include quotes that called out draft dodgers or depict scenes of young soldiers in heroic battles making others want to join them
Among the combattants there was a massive shift from inessentials (whether luxuries or not) to the war effort and to essentials. Neutral countries were also affected as combattants traded with them.
Audy Murphy
Because most countries spent most of there money in the war effort