Commie, or Red. The word Bolshevik has also been applied to Communists other than Russian Communists.
anti communist group leader
A person who favors communist
Answer this question… It undermined communist ideology in communist countries.
communist (: It was communist because it was under the Soviet Union which was also communist. They weren't able to advance because they were communist and even with industrialization, they were unable to rise.
Three nations divided into communist and non-communist were Germany, Korea and Vietnam(until it became completely communist)
First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (from 1953-1964)
Because, before he was in senate, he was part of a anti- communist movement, and he put many communists into court. Red was the communist color, hunter meant he put them away into jail.
The reason why critics of Richard Nixon gave him the nickname tricky dick was because of his dirty campaign practices. He was given this nickname in the 50s.
It is not. In 1917, Vladimir Lenin and his Bolshevik Party took over Russia and changed it into a communist nation. That nation became the Soviet Union, a group of communist states combined into one country. In 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed and broke up into fifteen countries, including Russia.
How did communist schools benefit the state and the communist party
How did communist schools benefit the state and the communist party
The Viet Cong were definitely 100% Communist.
No, it isn't a communist country.
There is no such thing as a Communist government or a Communist economy. Communism means no classes, no government, no money.
A communist
No, he is not a communist.
No, the word communist is an adjective, a word that describes a noun, and a noun, a word for a person who holds communist beliefs or is a member of a Communist party. The term 'communist beliefs' uses the adjective communist to describe the noun beliefs.