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The psychological problem known in WW I as shell shock is today known as post traumatic stress disorder.

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Related questions

What were the results of shell shock?

Today it is called Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder

Who had a shell shock?

solders at war had shell shock

In World War 1 stress by soldiers was called?

Shell shock.

What is the mental disorder called that is caused by hearing enemy fire?

Shell Shock

What were the attitudes towards shell shock in ww1?

The attitudes towards shell shock were..............................................................................................................................................................................................not good

What was post traumatic stress disorder called for World War 1 vets?

shell shock.

What happens when you get shell shock?

If you get shell shock you just sit in one place alone shaking and scared.

What are the ratings and certificates for Shell Shock - 1964?

Shell Shock - 1964 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16

What was post traumatic stress disorder called in world war 2?

shell shock or combat fatigue

How many men received shell shock in world war 1?

169,529 people had died from shell shock in ww1

How were people with shell shock treated?

For the most part, shell shock was not recognized as an illness or health condition. Therefore, there was no treatment in place. Even today our soldiers with diagnosed PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress - should not be disorder but Syndrome), have trouble receiving proper treatment.

When was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock created?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shell Shock was created in 2012.