

What is southern paternalism?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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11y ago

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It was at the end of slavery the start of free enterprise. Where anyone could run their own business and the state had no control.

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Q: What is southern paternalism?
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Paternalism is The process where people in authority, restrict the rights of those under them. It is supposedly with everyone best interest in mind.

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Legal paternalism is when the laws protect you from harming yourself. Seatbelt laws are an example of legal paternalism. You don't hurt anyone else by not wearing one, just yourself. It is kind of like the government being your mom and dad.

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Europeans used paternalism as a direct form of control of the colonies. They provided for the colonial peoples' needs but did not give them full rights or self determination.

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Self-determination or autonomy is often considered the antonym of paternalism, as it emphasizes individual’s independence and freedom to make their own decisions without interference or control from others.

What was European policy of paternalism?

im not sure can somebody help me