Right now? Slim, but nonzero.
The use of the atomic bombs in WW2 left a lasting impression and has encouraged leaders to step back from major power wars. But as more and more small and unstable nations acquire nuclear weapons, the odds that one or more might be ruled by unstable individuals willing to use them (and trigger wider usage) is growing.
Iran and North Korea are extremely concerning. Iran is ruled by religious fanatics, and North Korea is ruled by despots who are crazy in their own right. Whatever our disagreements with China or post-Stalinist Russia, their rulers aren't insane and aren't going to launch nukes out of spite or religious fervor
Still, with the Cold War in the rear view mirror, the world is less on the brink than in the past.
Assuming an 18-year old was in Vietnam in April, 1973 when the last U.S. combat forces left Vietnam, he might live to be 90 years old in 2045. Most Vietnam vets have turned 65, or will turn 65 in the next five years.
Democracy (aka the Free World) and Communism combined to defeat Fascism in World War 2. It was only natural that these two ideologies should become adversaries after the war. The USA and USSR emerged as the two most powerful countries on the winning side, so they became the global superpowers for the next four decades. * The rivalry between the USA and USSR is long and complicated, and they became superpowers as a result, with Great Britain and France remaining as world powers for Democracy, and the People's Republic of China emerging as a world power for Communism. * In the postwar years, a country could not be a world power without a nuclear arsenal, which is why the five countries named above became the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. Today, many other countries have nuclear weaponry, but they are not world powers, let alone superpowers.
they(Japanese people)suffered from radiation cancer(from the nuclear bomb)and their next genaration suffered too from genetic nucleric genes
The Lee Enfield .303 was the most powerful and reliable rifle with, although being a bolt action rifle, a very high rate of fire and an approximate 80% chance of death if hit by one, compared to 35% chance of death if hit by the next best rifle.
most likely 1 out of five chance
Well I suppose I could die in the next five years, who knows!
To fly!!!!!!!!!!
No one can predict the future. The fishing industry in the next five years, will probably be like the last 5 years, but, anything can happen, although it probably won't.
five years time
in the top of the world
A person can give information regarding where he or she expects to be according to goals. Simply think of the accomplishments you wish to achieve in the next five years and you will be able to determine where you see yourself.
When you describe your goal for the next five years keep the company in the picture. Tell about how you will increase in your value to the company.
There is a microscopic chance that'll happen, but it could happen in about a 100,000,000 years
a successful entrepreneur / in the beauty industry
in a cardboard box, asking people for money...