Maintains tradition, which in turn maintains discipline.
A military school is a private school which emphasizes military style training and discipline. In general these are designed to prepare students for college if not a career in the military. A boot camp is a place where new military recruits receive their basic military training. However the term is often used to denote programs where wayward youths are sent in an attempt to change their behavior with strict discipline.
The highest ranking military official is Thomas de Maziere, the German defense minister. The highest ranking military leader under him is the chief of staff, General Volker.
The Oak Ridge Military Academy in Oak Ridge, North Carolina has received a reputation for excellence and discipline. The North Carolina legislature claimed it as the official military school of the state.
The word discipline is a noun as well as a verb; for example: Noun: Athletes learn discipline to complete tedious training routines. Noun: He runs his business with strict military discipline. Verb: If students can discipline themselves, they can complete their work quickly. The noun forms for the verb to discipline are discipliner, one who disciplines; and the gerund, disciplining.
A prisoner of war is obligated to maintain military discipline and courtesy and salute all officers
"Hall of Fame" is the Highest Honour in the World of Sports in respective Olympic Sports Discipline.
It is the same word discipline.
The city that was known for its military discipline was Sparta in Greece. The warriors of the Spartan Army were well known for their professionalism, skill and bravery.
It is contrary to the good order and discipline of the military service.
The Spartans were renown for their military discipline , courage in battle and their devotion to the military arts .
The uniform code of military justice provides structure for the discipline of a solider.
The uniform code of military justice provides structure for the discipline of a solider.
The uniform code of military justice provides structure for the discipline of a solider.