The Tony Greig Organisation
The League of Nations is the name of the organization that President Wilson set up for the preservation of peace after World War 1.
league of nations
The UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION, and the Headquarters only is located in New York, starting with 1950.
The League of Nations was formed after WW1 (1919) to settle international disputes peacefully, to help prevent future wars and maintain lasting peace.
It is called United Nations
UN United Nations
The United Nations (UN) was a supranational organization dedicated to keeping world peace.
United Nations
The League of Nations.
to maintain world peace
Green Peace.
The Peace Corps is an agency of the Federal government devoted to world peace and friendship. Answer volunteer
The United Nations .
The League of Nations
The United Nations
The allied victors of World War I met at the Paris Peace Conference. One of the major decisions made was the creation of the League of Nations.