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The League of Nations

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Q: What organization was formed to insure world peace after 1919?
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What was the international organization formed at the end of World War 2 to maintain world peace?

The United Nations

What organization was formed at the end of world war 2 that was supposed to help bring world peace?

the United Nations.

Which international organization was formed after world war 1 to preserve international peace and security?

the league of nations

What peace keeping organization was formed at the end of World War 2?

The United Nations, or UN for short.

The organization formed after World War 1 to maintain a lasting peace was?

The League of Nations was formed after WW1 (1919) to settle international disputes peacefully, to help prevent future wars and maintain lasting peace.

What is the name of the organization for world peace?

The name of the organization for world peace IN Manhattan? If so, it is the United Nations.Please try to be more specific.

What organization was created post World War 2 to help promote world peace?

The United Nations (UN) was a supranational organization dedicated to keeping world peace.

Which international organization formed to kep peace after World War 2?

The United Nations (UN) was formed after World War II to maintain peace and international security. It was established in 1945 and is composed of member states from around the world. The primary goal of the UN is to prevent conflicts and promote cooperation among nations.

Which organization works for world peace?

United Nations

Which international organization was formed to promote and enforce trade laws and regulations?

The WTO (World Trade Organization)

How was Development and Peace formed?

Develpment and Peace is the name of a international organization that is an arm of the Catholic Church of Canada. It got started in 1967 when Pope Paul VI called for the Candian Bishops to take action against war and rally for world peace.

What was not formed after World War 2 to form an international forum for peace?

Which of the following was NOT formed after World War 2 to form an international forum for peace?