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The ovens used to burn the bodies were called crematoria.

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Q: What is the name of the oven that the nazis used to burn bodies?
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Who implemented the final solution?

The Nazi's wanted to wipe out the entire Jewish population. But, the problem was that they didn't have anywhere to bury the dead bodies. So, they came up with a final solution. They final solution was after they killed somebody they would burn them in the oven. After that they would take the ashes and dump them somewhere such as a nearby river.

What is a crematorium and gas chamber?

Crematorium: a specially place (oven) where dead bodies are burned to ash.Gas chamber: an airtight room that can be filled with poisonous gas to perform executions.In combination, they are closely associated with the Holocaust.

Where were the oven in the Holocaust?

Hitler didnt use an oven to kill people. Hitler used Zyklon B, a poisonous gas, to mass-kill everyone, the pyscho. Victims were usually first killed with poison gas in gas-chambers and the corpses were then cremated (burnt) in crematoria (ovens).

How to send cookies to soldiers in Iraq?

There are a lot of different ways that you can do this. My favorite is a variation of the cake in a jar recipe.You bake the cookies as usual and let them cool. Then put them in a glass mason jar, usually smaller jars do better, and put them back in the oven for about two minutes. While your jar is in the oven boil the mason jar lid. After the 2 minutes carefully take the jar from the oven and very carefully put the lid on the mason jar. It should ping within 10 to 15 minutes. If not repeat the process. Let the jar cool and when you're ready pack it up with lots of bubble wrap and send it off.I like this method the best because it seems the cookies keep their"fresh from the oven" taste.Another way is to put the cookies in tubberware and put a piece of white bread in with the cookies. The bread goes stale & the cookies stay fresh. It sounds odd, but it really does work.You could also go with putting the cookies in a small tin and they should keep fairly well too.Hope this helps. I've been sending quite a few batches of cookies to my husband and his friends. They love having anything home baked.

Was there ever a German prisoner of war camp on Moosehead Lake Maine?

Well its on Spencer Lake I was just there over the weekend (7/20/08) its about 30 miles in from route 27 in Eustis, ME. The oven is still there and you can camp at the location if you wanted to.

Related questions

Did Hitler put the children in the oven?

He didn't do it personally but the Nazis did.

Will crayons burn if they are put into an oven?

No, they will not.

Can chocolate cake burn in the oven?

Yes it can

Who do my scones burn at the bottom in an electric oven?

You have them too low in the oven or the temp too high.

What is the oven use for in concentration camp?

To cremate bodies.

How do cookies burn?

When you leave it in the oven too long

Does wax paper burn?

Wax paper can burn so it is best not to use it in the oven. A great alternative to wax paper is parchment paper. It will not burn in the oven.

How hot does it need to be for tape to burn?

I think about 350% in the oven

Why you burn youself if you wet an oven glove?

you would burn yourself because the heat from a tray or what ever you are taking out of the oven will conduct (go through) the water which will cause a burn.hope this helps :)

What are oven slides used for?

A oven slide is used to put cakes on in the oven so when you take out your cake or what ever you are cooking it will be easy to take out with out burning yourself because you can still burn yourself even though you have oven Mittens on or a tea towel on your hand. SO BE CAREFUL and don't burn yourself.

Why don't paper cupcake holders burn in the oven?

They are not directly in contact with all of the heat from the oven. Also, the moisture from the cupcake batter protects them, as does being inside the cupcake sheet.

Does the shape of the cookie sheet make cookies burn?

No, the shape of a cookie sheet has nothing to do with cookies burning. How cookies burn in the oven is usually due to heat circulation in the oven, evenness of heat in the oven, or the position of the cookie sheet relative to the heat source.