C. Copperheads :P
Clement L.Vallandigham
copperheads were Northern supporters of the Confederacy
Didn't like the way Lincoln was running it. Some of these people were called copperheads.
It was the copperheads that believed in an immediate end to the US Civil War. These individuals were generally young southern colonists that worked as planters and lawyers. They typically were slaveholders themselves.
copperheads copperheads
Texas Copperheads ended in 2008.
The copperheads camouflage in the rocky areas.
Charlotte Copperheads was created in 2011.
Yes, copperheads can be found throughout Pennsylvania.
ALL reptiles shed their skins... including Copperheads.
Southern Ohio Copperheads was created in 2002.
copperheads were mid westerners that sympathized with the south and opposed abolition
copperheads were mid westerners that sympathized with the south and opposed abolition
Copperheads are in Indiana. They are in the more rural areas. Not usually found in urban areas.
Peace Democrats but there enemies called them copperheads
The Copperheads were a vocal group of Democrats in the North, The name Copperheads was given to them by their opponents, the Republicans, because of the copper liberty-head coins they wore as badges