These eight trees stand for the eight woman that died in the Vietnam War.
58,220 fatalities among US servicemen.
It ended the Confederate threat around Washington, D.C.
Statistics will state around 20 years of age.
Around 20 million people survived the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam Wall/Memorial was built out of black granite. It was polished to reflect the beauty around it.
probably around 70. you could find some death dates - Vietnam vets memorial -
There were two large groups of cherry trees planted around Washington DC. The first 3000 trees were sent by the mayor of Tokyo in 1912, and are planted along the Potomac Tidal Basin, including around the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, and the George Mason Memorial. The second set of 3000 trees was planted in 1965, having been grown in the US from buds provided by Japan. These are the trees around the Washington Monument. A smaller group of 50 trees from a different stock were planted in West Potomac Park in 1999. This variety of cherry tree was designated a National Treasure of Japan.
There were two large groups of cherry trees planted around Washington DC. The first 3000 trees were sent by the mayor of Tokyo in 1912, and are planted along the Potomac Tidal Basin, including around the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, and the George Mason Memorial. The second set of 3000 trees was planted in 1965, having been grown in the US from buds provided by Japan. These are the trees around the Washington Monument. A smaller group of 50 trees from a different stock were planted in West Potomac Park in 1999. This variety of cherry tree was designated a National Treasure of Japan.
There were two large groups of cherry trees planted around Washington DC. The first 3000 trees were sent by the mayor of Tokyo in 1912, and are planted along the Potomac Tidal Basin, including around the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, and the George Mason Memorial. The second set of 3000 trees was planted in 1965, having been grown in the US from buds provided by Japan. These are the trees around the Washington Monument. A smaller group of 50 trees from a different stock were planted in West Potomac Park in 1999. This variety of cherry tree was designated a National Treasure of Japan.
There were two large groups of cherry trees planted around Washington DC. The first 3000 trees were sent by the mayor of Tokyo in 1912, and are planted along the Potomac Tidal Basin, including around the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, and the George Mason Memorial. The second set of 3000 trees was planted in 1965, having been grown in the US from buds provided by Japan. These are the trees around the Washington Monument. A smaller group of 50 trees from a different stock were planted in West Potomac Park in 1999. This variety of cherry tree was designated a National Treasure of Japan.
There were two large groups of cherry trees planted around Washington DC. The first 3000 trees were sent by the mayor of Tokyo in 1912, and are planted along the Potomac Tidal Basin, including around the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, and the George Mason Memorial. The second set of 3000 trees was planted in 1965, having been grown in the US from buds provided by Japan. These are the trees around the Washington Monument. A smaller group of 50 trees from a different stock were planted in West Potomac Park in 1999. This variety of cherry tree was designated a National Treasure of Japan.
When the Vietnam Memorial was first dedicated, many Vietnam Vets called it the "Black Gash of Shame." Others saw the under-ground level wall as a negative and divisive remembrance of that controversial conflict rather than reunifying. As a result, a statue of three fighting men was placed facing the wall, memorializing those who fought and survived the war. Later an American Flag was added, followed by a memorial statue for the women who served in Vietnam.
A circle on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall is meant to go over a cross or diamond symbol when a veteran currently on the wall has proven to be alive. A circle should not contain a cross; rather, the plus should be chiseled around to create a circle ("grow" into a circle, if you will).
The cherry trees in Washington D.C. were a gift from the mayor of Tokyo in 1912. 3 thousand Japanese cherry trees were originally planted.
The cross signifies the listed person is missing in action. When their remains are recovered, identified and repatriated to their family, the cross is changed to a diamond.
Which war memorial? There are thousands of them around the world.