Any jobs having to do with war and war production. Numerous factory jobs were created to make uniforms, parachutes, weapons, ammunition, and all manner of military equipment. Jobs were also created in shipbuilding and aircraft design.
Since the whole world was in depression the war created jobs for people to manufacture goods,
they had jobs to serve.
Countless jobs. From building refrigerators to atomic bombs. From making pencils to battleships; from constructing buildings to paving highways.
World War II is said to have pulled us out of the Depression because we supplied our allies with war materials, which created jobs and jump started our economy. Therefore, people believe the war helped end the Depression.
World War II created a labor shortage in America. This resulted in many women entering the workforce to fill jobs previously held by men.
Created jobs for everyone.
Created jobs for everyone.
All of the new jobs made were for the war, so when the war was over, people were suddenly jobless again
Most likely because, the war created jobs and cause u.s. citizens to be shipped out to the war opening up jobs.
To fight a war weapons, tanks, aircraft, ships are needed. This created jobs that were the by product of the war.
Created jobs for everyone.
It created jobs in the North
The needs of World War 2 created jobs that pulled the country out of the depression.
.jobs was created in 2005.
it created jobs and when everyone works prosperity follows.