The Civil War took place during the Romantic Era, where people expressed their emotions and feelings through art and music. Imagination ruled over logic, unlike the Industrial Period. Many songs and poems were written about the Civil War, the leaders, and current events. Many songs about the soldier's life, the homefront, and battle were written. Patriotic songs were very popular and boosted soldier's and enlistees' morale. The ballads written comforted soldiers and the families on the homefront. Also, music helped soldier during the war by giving them commands and keeping them in step.
In easier terms, music helped by:
1. Issuing orders
2. Boosting Morale
3. Help deal with homesickness and boredom
4. Diverted thoughts from bloodshed
yes, children play music all around the world. They would play during the Civil war because it gave them something to do, and it made them fewel happy.
nationalistic music
There were Dance Halls in almost every town where people could dance and listen to live band music, or record players. These would be open every night (except Sundays) unless there was fighting going on nearby in which case for obvious reasons the dance hall would not open.
The history of music goes really far back. Nobody really knows the oldest music because the people from B.C. or A.D. could have made beats on their knees or drums to make music. Also the sound of birds chirping makes music too. But some of the oldest composed and printed music today are called the "oldies" and some others too. Music today is completely new and improved from thousands of years ago. All the time there is new music and albums coming out from the many different popular artists. Many people like different types of music because they like certain sounds and rhythms and like it and get used to hearing it. Music is something many people like to listen to and enjoy. There is many different types of music but some people like some kinds more than others. Music is a big part of everyday lives. Some people need music to relax or cool down from something hard working or exciting. Others just like to relax or like to listen to it for enjoyment. Everyone can enjoy music no matter what kinds or styles they like, but I bet that there is not one person in our world that has heard different types of music and does not like any of it. Music is a great way to express yourself so I think you should go ahead and listen to your favorite songs. THIS ONE IS FOR YOU VICTORIA. NOT REAL INFORMATION, USED FOR A WEBDESIGN CLASS. JUST FOR COPYING PURPOSES ONLY. THANKS.
Big Band Jazz Country
Patriotic music.
Rock music was developed in the 60's and most people who listen to Rock Music where teenagers or young adults during that time.
Carribean people listen to dancehall music and reggae music
People in Antarctica who listen to music, listen to whatever they like.
they listen to jazz,rock,and hip hop
Mostly music and politicans
They listen to old folk music
Monaco people listen to Classical Music and operas
people in Peru generally listen to Music such as from Switzerland.
During his lifetime there was no radio, nor recorded music. To listen to music you had to go to a concert.
Not a lot of people listen to music. To fine out interview your friends and family.
People listen to whatever music they brought with them, and share with their mates.