Hitler was a very good speaker. He was able to 'hold' the people at his meetings, and he was also able to 'feed' from the people for the more people at the meeting, the better he was.
In a very small group, he was not very good, his voice sounded weak, and he tended to wander around in what he was talking about, not clear, and to the point, as he was when in front of many thousands of people.
Though he worked on his speeches before each meeting, he was able to alter, or sometimes even change the main parts of his speech after the first few minutes from the feed-back from the crowds, and was like any good actor, able to make the people listening to him fully trust him.
I in fact met him, through Eva who lived next door to us when I was a child, and remember him as a very nice man AS HE JUST LOVED CHILDREN. This gave me problems later when I found out the TRUTH ABOUT THIS 'LOVE' After seeing pictures of what HIS Killers did in the camps in both Germany, and more so in the east in Poland.
See my book, 'My Enemy-My Friend-My Father' 'madjockpublishers.com'
During most of his time as head of Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, Adolf Hitler's government was in actual fact a Dictatorship, whereby he alone ruled absolutely, if also through the sophisticated workings of the Nazi Party. Another term for this kind of absolute, top-down rule through an individual (and the individual's supporting apparatus) would be "totalitarian".
Before ww II not that bad. In 1938, Adolf Hitler was chosen as Time Magazine’s man of the year
Before Hindenburgs death in 1933 he asked Adolf Hitler to become chancellor. Shortly after that Hitler gained a large portion of leadership in Germany. The answer to your question is Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler until his death, and then Karl Donitz.
Adolf Hitler is as evil as the devil!!
His full name was Adolf Hitler.
Hitler had lots of qualities, most of them weren't very good though.
Germany was controlled by the dictator Adolf Hitler in WWII.
Hitler's leadership ended when he committed suicide on 30 April 1945.
Adolf Hitler
Obviously Go Google Blitzkreig
Before ww II not that bad. In 1938, Adolf Hitler was chosen as Time Magazine’s man of the year
Before Hindenburgs death in 1933 he asked Adolf Hitler to become chancellor. Shortly after that Hitler gained a large portion of leadership in Germany. The answer to your question is Adolf Hitler.
blue eyes and brown hair also had leadership and was a dictater.
That would be Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler until his death, and then Karl Donitz.
...Germany. Also, "rule" is a fairly ambiguous term for Hitler's leadership. I think Dictate is the word you are looking for.