"Bleeding Kansas"
Bleeding Kansas
Fighting between proslavery and antislavery activists in Kansas
That was the attempt to allow the people of a new state to vote whether to be slave or free. ('Popular Sovrereignty') It was proposed by Stephen Douglas, who beat Lincoln to the Senatorial post in Illinois.
Answer this question…The iron curtain
the fighting between proslavery and antislavery groups in Kansasthe violent clashes between pro slavery and antislavery groups in the Kansas territory.
Bleeding Kansas
bleeding Kansas > Apex. ;)
a violent clash beetween proslavery and antislavery forces.
"Bleeding Kansas"
Bleeding Kansas
the fighting between proslavery and antislavery groups in Kansasthe violent clashes between pro slavery and antislavery groups in the Kansas territory.
Fighting between proslavery and antislavery activists in Kansas
Fighting between proslavery and antislavery activists in Kansas
Fighting between proslavery and antislavery activists in Kansas
The nickname was the BleedingKansas
a violent clash between proslavery and antislavery forces