Hitler was the driving force behind the Holocaust. He ranted and raved like crazy against the Jews, calling them traitors, Communists and all sorts of other things designed to make them hated. His willing brown-nosed henchmen and lackeys then got on with it. He played a role in giving some of the orders, approving plans and so on. (Obviously, nobody suggests that he personally turned on gas taps with his own hands). His exact role in the Holocaust is not altogether clear, however.
Germany's role in WWII was trying to take over the world by making the perfect race of people.
He was the Chancellor and leader of Germany and the one who masterminded the Holocaust. Hitler cannot be considered a mastermind, it was done in his name, but the overseeing was done by Himmler and the actual planning was done by people like Eichmann and Heydrich.
The Jewish councils during the Holocaust they were responsible for administering the ghettos set up by the Nazis. Their role was highly problematical, to say the least.
there are many thousand of them
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The German military played different roles in the Holocaust. They helped in rounding up undesirables and also played a major role in the executions in collaboration with Einsatzgruppen.
The Nuremberg trials were post Holocaust.
She was one of the Franks helpers.
They were from top to bottom, resistors of the Nazi oppression of Judaism.
Great Britain was a bystander in the Holocaust.
Hitler became chancellor in 1933 and later became president as well when president hindenburg died in 1934. After that he assumed total power of the country and was known as the fuhrer(leader in german).
It did not play much of a role, as no matter how diverse the victims were, they ultimately shared the same fate.
The role of a German citizen is to vote for government.
They liberated the most infamous camp - Auschwitz.
Nothing. It is easy to generalise and associate Nazism with Fascism, but the Fascist nations did not play an active role in the Holocaust and arguably Japan did more against the Holocaust than most democracies.
He helped make decisions on what to do and did alot stuff to help cover up some of the things they did during the holocaust.
Technology played a massive role in the Holocaust; it was known as the first industrialised mass murder. Technology allowed for the killing of great numbers of people and the disposal of their remains.