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Russian naval officer Makarov is credited with making the first "automotive torpedo" hit against a Turkish warship during the Russo-Turkish war in 1877.

The Russian flagship (battleship) "Prince Suvorov" was finished off with torpedoes launched from Japanese torpedo boat destroyers during the battle of Tsushima on 27 May 1905, during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05.

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Q: What ships have been hit by torpedoes?
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How many union ships were sunk by confederate torpedoes?

It is estimated that about 22 Union ships were sunk by Confederate torpedoes. There were also about 12 ships that were seriously damaged by torpedoes.

Why do people use torpedoes?

Torpedoes are used during a time of war to sink other ships.

What is torpedoes used for?

Torpedoes are used by military ships to destroy other ships. They are usually used by submarines and they can have guidance systems (Usually wire-guided).

What is seagoing vessels that torpedoed you.s ships?

Seagoing vessels that torpedo ships are typically submarines equipped with torpedoes. These vessels operate underwater and target enemy ships by firing torpedoes, which are self-propelled projectiles designed to hit and sink their intended target. Submarines are stealthy and can launch surprise attacks on surface vessels.

What is a sentence with the word torpedoes?

The submarine fired its torpedoes at the shark and they hit it in an instant.

How were the ships a Pearl Harbor sunk?

Japanese zeros carried torpedoes on their planes

Was the Pilar sunk by a torpedoes?

no pilar is an upland area and there never been a torpedoes

Can nukes travel underwater?

Yes. There nuclear torpedoes that can travel underwater and destroy ships.

What are torpedoes common for?

There are two ways to answer this question: "What are torpedoes commonly used for?" and, "What are torpedoes commonly deployed on?" Torpedoes are anti-ship and anti-submarines weapons. In both cases, their purpose is to sink the target ship/submarine. They are very powerful weapons, and a single hit from a torpedo has a high probability of either crippling or sinking virtually all ships and submarines currently in existence. Torpedoes are deployed on aircraft, helicopters, naval ships, and submarines. Cruisers and Destroyers which are equipped with anti-submarine sensors and equipment will typically mount torpedo launchers. Destroyers, Frigates, and smaller navy ships which do not have anti-submarine equipment will sometimes carry torpedoes for use in an anti-ship role, though this is now a lessor option on newer such ships, as the anti-ship missile has mostly replaced the torpedo as the primary anti-ship weapon for surface vessels. Submarines (so far) always have torpedoes, as it is (usually) their primary anti-ship and only anti-submarine weapon. Helicopters and aircraft which are designed for the anti-submarine role always carry torpedoes. Helos and planes which are designed for an anti-ship role carry air-to-surface missiles instead.

Where were the pearl harbor ships hit when they sank--in the hull--middle--etc?

With the exception of the battleship Arizona which was sunk by a bomb thru the deck, torpedoes sank the balance of battleships with "hull" hits, most of which were "a midships."

Who used torpedoes?

During WW1, German U-boats (submarines) used torpedoes to sink boats and ships belonging to the Allies or any vessel aiding the Allies war cause.

Does the word torpedoes have an apostrophe?

The word torpedoes is a common plural noun. It does not need an apostrophe.The torpedoes had been loaded.If torpedoes 'owns' something in the sentence, it needs an apostrophe.The tornadoes' paths continued straight.