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Strenuous negotiation.

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Q: What should have been done to avoid war?
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What could the United Nation forces have done differently to avoid China entering the war?

avoid closing in on the China border at the Yalu river

Should President Kennedy have blockaded Cuba to stop the USSR from introducing nuclear missiles?

He did but he called it a "quarantine" instead of a blockade, to avoid the fact that by international law a blockade is an act of war and could have been considered an implicit Declaration of War. Basically he was "walking on eggshells" in an attempt to avoid starting World War 3.

Did Odysseus die during the Trojan war?

No. Odysseus did not die during the Trojan War. Instead, it took him 10 years to get home after the war ended. The journey should have taken two weeks at the most. In fact, it could have been done in a few days, but then there would have been no story.

Why does John Dickinson feel that the colonies should resolve their differences with the british?

To avoid war.

Why is the war of 1812 called Mr. Maddison's war?

It may have been a jab against Madison by his detractors, to imply that he was responsible for starting the war, or at the least not doing what he could have done to avoid it. Or it may have been simply because James Madison was the US President for the entire duration of the war. The causes of this war are obscure, and it might not have happened if not for a respite in The Napoleonic Wars, but people had to identify it in some way, such as naming it after the President, or the year in which it began.

Could the Persian Gulf war have been prevented?

Any conflict can be avoided, if the leaders want to avoid it.

Should Queen Elizabeth start war with Spain?

no. the only wars we win are the ones we avoid XP

Who said Southern states should not be punished after Civil War?

The traitors in the South who lost the war and should have been executed.

What has America done to prepare for war while all of Europe was already in war?

Large amounts of equipment have been sent to allied powers.