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your fat face joined then yu farted

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Q: What state had its boundaries changed when the eastern counties joined the Confederacy?
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What state had it's boundries changed when the eastern states joined the Confederacy?

Virginia had it's boundaries change. The western counties did not agree with secession, so "seceded" from the state, forming "West Virginia".

When did Eastern Counties Railway end?

Eastern Counties Railway ended in 1862.

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Eastern Counties Railway was created in 1839.

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Eastern Counties Football League was created in 1935.

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Thirteen counties in New Jersey border the eastern side of the state.

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Middle Eastern countries do not have counties.

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The political boundaries of Central and Eastern Europe changed significantly.

In which state did 48 counties secede from the Confederacy and join the union?

I don't think there was a state with exactly 48 counties that joined the Union. West Virginia with 55 counties broke off from Virginia and joined the Union. 28 counties in Tennessee, mostly in the eastern part of the state supported the Union. Various counties in other Confederate states where plantations did not dominate the economy also supported the Union or at least felt opposed to secession.

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The keepers of the eastern door traditionally refer to the Mohawk tribe in the Iroquois Confederacy. They are responsible for guarding the eastern entrance to the confederacy and ensuring the safety and security of their people.

How many counties border the eastern side of the state?

There are five counties that border the eastern side of the state.

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I think you mean the western and eastern boundaries. And that would be the Cascades Mountain range.

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The roads