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In the Russian revolution the Bolsheviks (communists) overthrew the provisional government.

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well, they use many tactics during this war, an example of a tactic they used was to under tunnels and ambushed government/south Vietnam soldiers

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Q: What tactics did some communist groups employ to take control of their nations governments?
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What is communist inferior tactics?

Communist inferior tactics refers to underhanded comments or behaviors. This saying has come from communists and is used to describe sneaky behaviors.

What tactics were used by the superpowers during the Cold War to influence Third World nations?

The union with allied countries.

How did communist vietnam dominate parts of southeast asia after the vietnam war?

The communist Vietnamese controlled parts of South East Asia through direct application of military force. They used insurgency tactics to undermine Laos and the Khmer Rouge took over in a military rebellion. The communists from the north murdered over 300,000 people and cause nearly a million to flee south Vietnam as boat people. The Khmer Rouge killed 3 million people to gain control. The communist Vietnamese then attacked the Khmer rouge and gained control of that country. It should be known that the communist killed more people after the war during the peace forged by the American Democratic Party than all the soldiers that died in the war. Most of the Viet Gong (southern communist working for the north) that survived the war was killed by the north after it. Just a Stalin killed most of the partisans that fought the Nazi behind the line. The socialist philosophy is that if you are disloyal to your country even if helps them then the communist will kill you. It also might be noted here that in the 15 years of the Vietnam war 1960-1975, the northern communist won only the battle in Saigon in 1975. And only after the DNC in Congress cut their gas and ammunition.

What is the difference between war and terrorism?

War is the fighting of nations in an armed conflict, usually over territory or resources. War can also be the liberation of a nation under the control of a dictator by multiple other nations. Terrorism is the use of scare tactics to get a point a cross. While war usually has rules of conflict, such as the treatment of prisoners, terrorist do not follow the same rules, and often target civilians to put fear into the populace. They are usually a rebel force and are usually small in size.

What kind of war tactics did he use?

What kind of war tactics did who use?

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it used legal and illegal methods

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it used legal and illegal methods

What is communist inferior tactics?

Communist inferior tactics refers to underhanded comments or behaviors. This saying has come from communists and is used to describe sneaky behaviors.

What besides governments use propaganda to try to control or regulate your thinking?

Besides governments, organizations such as corporations, interest groups, and media outlets also use propaganda to influence public opinion and shape individuals' beliefs and behaviors. These entities may employ various tactics, including advertising, public relations campaigns, and social media manipulation, to shape narratives and control perceptions.

Is it true that China's communist leader Mao Zedong used strategic tactics to lure Chinese peasants to the communist red army?

The Chinese Communist Leader under the name of Mao Zedong lured in Chinese peasants in order to strengthen the Red Army.

What were some of the nazi control tactics over the Jews?

threatining to shoot them

How did the khumer rouge kill people?

Pro-communist rebels, and similar rebellion factions, used similar tactics, as their Viet Cong neighbors in South Vietnam, e.g. hit and run guerrilla tactics, land mines, etc.

What tactics were used by the superpowers during the Cold War to influence Third World nations?

The union with allied countries.

What were Stalin's tactics and methods for achieving his goals?

Stalin had a great many tactics and methods for achieving his goals. Stalin would use control and manipulation for example.

What has the author Hsi-cheng Wang written?

Hsi-cheng Wang has written: 'Chinese Communist foreign policy and its tactics' -- subject(s): Foreign relations

What has the author D A Ivanov written?

D. A. Ivanov has written: 'Fundamentals of tactical command and control' -- subject(s): Tactics, Command and control systems

What were the tactics used by the superpowers during the Cold War to influence Third World nations?

They provided funding for revolutions. USSR's goal was to turn more nations communism, and they tried to advantage of the 3rd world to do so.