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In the beginning it was much like WWII, as our leadership were mostly WWII veterans, and what worked in that war would work in Vietnam. Which was "taking ground." As time went on, and the rules of "limited warfare" became the accepted method, entire towns (villages) were relocated, and the area where the former town (village) had been now became a "free fire zone." Meaning, anything in it could be fired upon. Instead of taking ground, it was now a war of body counts. The term "Attrit them" was born, with the theory if we kept killing the enemy, they would soon run out of men. When an "airmobile" (Air Assault) occurred, the infantry would disembark from the choppers, move into the woodline, line abreast, and keep moving until they reached the designated place (normally coming out the other end of the woods/forest/jungle). During that time of movement, if they encountered the enemy, there would be a fight (firefight). Once engaged the commander on the ground would yell through his radio mike, that he had "CONTACT!" That was the actual word used. Nine times out ten, you could hear gunfire thru the radio as the man spoke, so you knew he was "in contact alright." From there, the radio transmissions would evolve into how to fight the battle, e.g. withdrawal, call in artillery, call in reinforcement, call in an extraction, an air strike, etc.

Guerilla warfare is also used in this war. The opposing side would hide in holes in the ground . They were also accostomed to the jungles so could manuver around and use that to their advantage.

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they launched multirole bombers more than enough to destroy the north vietnamese forces

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Q: What tactics did the US use in the Vietnam War?
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What kind of tactics did Vietnam use in the war against the Americans?

During the Vietnam War, the US strategy was "Attritition". This involved the tactics of "Search and Destroy", which was accompanied by the procedure of "counting enemy bodies", which resulted in the term, "body count".

Who did the US go against in the Vietnam war?

In the Vietnam War the US opposed the invasion of South Korea by North Korea. The fighters from North Korea, who used guerilla tactics, were known as the Viet Cong.

What are US tactics on Vietnam?

Search and Destroy.

Did the US refuse to change their tactics in the Vietnam War?

The US DID change it's tactics in Vietnam. The war went FROM a guerrilla war TO a conventional war (tanks and B-52 bombers). Had President Kennedy lived, Vietnam very well could have been fought by the USN SEALS and USA Special Forces (Green Berets). Fighting fire with fire. When Kennedy died, the WWII Generals took over; and Vietnam went WWII style (jets fighting jets, tanks fighting tanks, etc.).

Was it Americas tactics fault for the Vietnam war?

Wars previous to Vietnam, for the US, was taking ground. Because of the nature of this limited war, "taking ground" was replaced with "attrition (body counts)", which called for the TACTIC of "Search and Destroy."

Why did US fight the way they did in Vietnam?

War tactics didn't change, much. Just the media coverage that the people seen in the states changed,

Why tactics did the communist forces use against us troops in Vietnam?

throughout most of the war, they mainly employed guerilla tactics, however, in the push to saigon, conventional warfare was adopted as the main military strategy among the NVA, but the viet cong largely maintained their use of guerilla warfare

What was the purpose of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?

Changed Vietnam from a guerrilla war into a conventional war when conventional US combat troops were deployed there in March 1965 & and the bombing of North Vietnam commenced under the code name of ROLLING THUNDER.

Were the us military tactics successful in the Vietnam war?

Search and destroy. Attrit the enemy; via air cavalry. A new war, with new all worked out well.

What tactics did US use against the Vietcong?

In the Vietnam Conflict, the US Military used primarily "Search and Destroy" tactics. These involved sending troops into an area with the hope of inducing an ambush or sending them in to destroy enemy camps.

Why was the US at war with Vietnam?

We were at war with Vietnam because they disagreed with us about something.

Who ended the Vietnam War?

the us government withdrew all troops from Vietnam, because the enemies guerrilla tactics made it a one sided war. We were losing countless soldiers in a war that didnt directly affect us, until the american citizens protested over having their loved ones and countless others sent to a country on the other side of the world.