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the us government

withdrew all troops from Vietnam, because the enemies guerrilla tactics made it a one sided war. We were losing countless soldiers in a war that didnt directly affect us, until the american citizens protested over having their loved ones and countless others sent to a country on the other side of the world.

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Q: Who ended the Vietnam War?
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What agreement ended the Vietnam war?

For the US the war ended with the signing of the "Paris Peace Accord" in 1973. For South Vietnam, the war ended in 1975, when it fell to North Vietnam.

Has the Vietnam War ended yet?

It ended in 1974

What was the population of north Vietnam after the Vietnam war?

See the website on "Vietnam". But be advised, there was NO "North Vietnam" after the war ended...Just VIETNAM.

When did the Vietnam war took place?

Vietnam war began in 1955 and ended in 1959

When did the Vietnam war conflict come to an end?

The Vietnam War ended on April 30th, 1975.

How did the Vietnam War get to the end?

The North won the war, that ended it.

What caused the anti-war movement in Vietnam to end?

When the war ended, the need to protest it ended.

Was Vietnam war during the cold war?

Yes. If it wasn't it wouldn't have ended the way it ended.

They end of the Vietnam war?

The Vietnam war ended on the thirtieth of April in 1975.

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ww2 ended in 1945. Vietnam war started in 1959.

Who resigned during the Vietnam war?

Nixon resigned and it was AFTER the war had ended.

What is the best description of the events that ended the Vietnam War?

Communist North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam